Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baby footwear

Shoes complete the outfit for kids, but wait until your child begins walking--- usually at 10 to 14 months--before buying her first official pair of shoes. That is when a child really needs them.  

We recommend picking a first shoe with flexibility, which helps the foot develop its arch.  Try to bend the shoe in half, if it bends easily, it is a good shoe.  The best shoes also have traction on the bottom so your baby won’t slip easily. A shoe doesn’t have to be expensive to be flexible. Pick a pair of shoes that is light weight as your kid will not be able to carry  a ton with their tiny feet.

Beside these, make sure you buy the right size. You will want some room at the toe, but not so much that your child will trip. Also, keep in mind that toddlers kick off anything and everything, so look for flexible shoes that lace. They are harder to take off than shoes with Velcro closures.

To keep your prewalker’s feet warm outside on cool days, look for soft, elasticized baby socks or booties that cling to the feet so your baby can’t kick them off. You don’t have to buy expensive leather baby shoes as baby will outgrow quickly.

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