Friday, September 18, 2009

Remove common stains


If wet, rinse with luke warm water. If dry, soak in ammonia solution, then treat with dilute [2-5%] oxalic acid [found from auto radiator cleaner and in bar tenders cleanser

Wash in concentrated salt water

Fresh stains maybe removed using alcohol; older stains try sodium perborate solution[drug store]. On white clothing, bleach followed by sodium thiosulfate solution.

Dissolve in alcohol or acetone [dissolves acetate fabrics] and cover solvent-stain solution with cornstarch or paper towel. Usually needs to be repeated several times.

Chemically react with a solution of sodium hyposulfite [hypo or photographer's fixer]

Try citric acid [Tang, Gator Aid, or Crystal Light drink powder] or 5% oxalic acid with 5% glycerin.

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